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2020-06-06 Channel 8 News Interview - Adullam Life Counselling on Scammers

2020-06-06 Channel 8 News Interview - Adullam Life Counselling on Scammers

As reported in Channel 8 News on 6 June 2020, many Singaporeans are falling victims to scammers posing as Licensed Moneylenders and even Banks! We've seen a huge rise in such cases from our help-seekers in our help centre and would like to alert everyone to be careful and do not give your personal details away without verifying that the Lender is indeed a legitimate one. Often after taking your personal details such as your house address, family members details, these scammers will use it to blackmail you into paying them "processing fees" and "interests" by threatening and harassing you and your loved ones. The common methods of advertising for these scammers are via Whatsapp chats, SMSes or even Facebook advertising. If you have been scammed by such schemes, give our hotline a call and we will do our best to help you. Please stay vigilant and do not fall prey to these scammers! 正如2020年6月6日第8频道新闻所报道的,许多新加坡人成为冒充持牌放债人甚至银行诈骗者的受害者! 我们已经看到,在我们的帮助中心,我们的帮助寻求者,这样的案件有巨大的上升,并希望提醒大家要小心,不要透露您的个人信息,而不验证贷款人确实是一个合法的。 通常,在获取您的个人详细信息(如您的家庭住址、家庭成员详细信息)后,这些骗子会用它来敲诈您支付他们"处理费"和"利益",威胁和骚扰您和您的亲人。这些骗子常见的广告方法是通过whatsapp聊天,短信,甚至Facebook广告。 如果您被此类计划欺骗,请致电我们的热线,我们将尽力帮助您。 请保持警惕,不要成为这些骗子的下一位受害者! Source:
2020-05-10 Channel 8 News Interview - Check who you're borrowing from
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